Shaxon Industries stocks high quality cabinets and racks which can be drop shipped to any job site to reduce inventory costs and arrive just in time. Cabinets come with all the features you’d expect like RMU markings, locks, integrated fans, mounting hardware, and designed for 19 inch equipment. Cabinets are shipped assembled with locking casters and leveling feet for easy installation.
Wall mount and free standing racks provide the affordability you need with the customer service you deserve. Rugged heavy duty construction and shipped flat to reduce cost with simple onsite assembly. Powder coated with RMU markings to provide excellent aesthetics and ease of installation.

As always, Shaxon ships only what you need. No box quantities, minimum order quantities, drop ship fees, or any of the hassle. Just good old fashioned friendly service to get you exactly what you need when you need it!